4 Salesforce API Enhancements Released in Spring 2020

In Salesforce’s 2020 Spring Update, there are several major new Application Programming Interface (API) enhancements. API is a piece of software that allows two software intermediaries to connect. APIs define what kind of calls and requests can be made between software systems, define data formats, and which conventions to follow, essentially specifying how two different software systems can communicate and interact with each other. Using an API allows users to deliver solutions rapidly by sharing and exchanging information seamlessly.

There are many software systems and applications that can be connected with Salesforce using APIs. For instance, Salesforce integrates seamlessly with Jira, Zoom, SAP, Peoplesoft, Quickbooks, Moodle, Workday, and Eventbrite to name a few software applications.

1. Increased Daily Salesforce API Call Limit
The recent Salesforce Update has increased the daily Salesforce API call limit from 15,000 API call requests per day to 100,000 API call requests per day. In addition, the daily maximum cap of 1,000,000 API requests per day has been removed, allowing your org to exceed the daily limit without being flagged or blocked by Salesforce. Furthermore, with the new usage-based entitlement, a limited Salesforce resource that your organization can use on a periodic basis, the org user can view how many API requests have been built up over the last 30 days.

2. New Beta Version of MetadataComponentDependency
Another important API Spring Update is the beta version of the MetadataComponentDependency Queries in Production and Sandbox Orgs. By using these Queries, users can view dependency relationships between metadata in their orgs. Finding these dependencies allows users to break the metadata into packages and parts, and then determine whether the metadata is safe to delete.

3. Ease of Locating Object Documentation
The recent Spring Update has also made finding Salesforce object documentation easier. The key advantage of this feature is that it removes repetitive object documentation and groups related objects together so that users can find what they are looking for in a simpler manner.

4. Increased Relevancy of Symbol Table
In addition, the Salesforce Symbol Table no longer includes non-global implementation details for managed packages. This update confirms that the Symbol Table does not show more information than what is required for the managed packages. This feature will save you time, as less code is required.

The Salesforce 2020 Spring Update’s API enhancements allow users to make more API calls daily, view the number of API requests in the past 30 days, Queries to view dependency relationships between metadata in orgs, and a Symbol Table that shows only specific information related to managed packages. Overall the Spring Updates yield a better user experience for organizations that use Salesforce to expand their capabilities by integrating with other external systems and applications through APIs.

Brite, a certified Salesforce Silver Partner, has expertise in implementing Salesforce APIs for several software systems and clients. Need assistance with your API implementation and leveraging the recent update? Connect with our Salesforce team today.

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